Thursday, July 4, 2024

If this is Thursday it must be postcards, 666






Jacqueline sentada [Jacqueline seated], Paris, 1954 by Picasso

[photo by Rafael Lobato]


This week’s postcard features the painting by Pablo Picasso titled “Jacqueline sentada” or in English, “Jacqueline seated.”  The card is unused and was purchased at the Seattle Art Museum when there was a Picasso exhibit a few years ago.  The card is a product of the Picasso Museum.  The original painting is part of the collection of the Museo Picasso in Málaga, Spain.  The photograph of the painting is attributed to Rafael Lobato. 


Jacqueline Roque Picasso (1927-1986) is best known as the second wife and muse of Pablo Picasso.  She was 26 and he was 72 when they met in 1953.  They married in 1961 and had been married for 11 years at the time of his death in 1973.  Picasso painted more than 400 portraits of Jacqueline.  This painting with exaggerated features is recognizable as a symbol of his late paintings.  She is shown in a serene pose which is suggests tranquility and love.  One report said this work represented Picasso’s love and devotion of her. 


The photographer, Rafael Sanz Lobato (1932-2015), got his first camera at age 22.  He learned how to develop and print his own pictures.  In 1964 he joined the Royal Photographic Society of Madrid.  He is known as a post-war photographer who produced exceptional documentary photos that earned him Spain’s National Photography Award in 2011. 


The museum is located in the city of Málaga, Andalusia, Spain where Picasso was born.  It opened in 2003 with a collection of 285 pieces of his works donated by his family.  In 2009 this collection merged with another and became the Fundación Museo Picasso Málaga.  The building that houses the museum is the Buenavista Palace and was originally build in the 1500s for Diego de Cazalla.  It was declared a National Monument in 1939 and had been an arts museum from 1961 to 1997.  It was purchased with the intention of converting it to a museum featuring Picasso’s works. 


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