Thursday, February 9, 2012

If this is Thursday it must be postcards, 25

Bandstand, 1909

Music played an important part in most activities of the early 1900s especially at events such as the 1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition. There were several songs written and performed just for the Fair including a grand triumphal march and another favorite march entitled “Gloria, Washington” composed by Frederick N. Innes. There were various songs like “Won’t You Stroll With Me on the Pay-Streak?” “Meet Me in Seattle, Dearie, in 1909,” “Hip Hip Hurrah for Seattle,” “The Seattle Spirit,” and others. No CDs for sale but the songs were printed up then made available for purchase by Fair attendees who could then go home play the piano, guitar, "squeeze box," or fiddle and sing along.

Looking north on Pacific Avenue showing Forestry Building & Bandstand, 1909

Several structures that were smaller than the big buildings were scattered here and there on the grounds. One of these was the Bandstand. It was located in front of the imposing Forestry Building. In the postcard above it is just barely visible on the upper left side of the card. The card shows a couple of other small structures. The white kiosk in the center of the card contained a display by the Paraffine Paint Company. Other small not-quite buildings were used as lemonade stands, peanut vendors, what might be termed fast food stalls and small entertainment venues that often included some live music.

Forestry Building and Bandstand, 1909

Outdoor music concerts and other community activities are still held in Seattle during the summer months at selected parks in the city. So even though we have entered the 21st century we are still carrying on some of the traditions of the 1909 Exposition.

For more information see:

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